57. John Michael8 Favret (James Louis7, Louis Edward6, James Louis5, Nicholas4, Joseph3, Claude2, Mr1) (#38) was born in Columbus, Oh 3 Aug 1948.
He married Cynthia McClurg 25 Jul 1986 in St Michael,Worthington,Oh. (Cynthia McClurg is #250.) Cynthia was born 14 Oct 1953 in Warren, Oh. Cynthia is the daughter of Ronald McClurg and Justine Zoba. When Cynthia was age 36 and John Michael Favret was age 42 they became the parents of Michael Galen Favret 25 Sep 1990 in Virginia Beach,Va.
When John was age 42 and Cynthia McClurg was age 36 they became the parents of Michael Galen Favret 25 Sep 1990 in Virginia Beach,Va. John and Cindy live in Williamsburg, Va. where John is Administrator of Eastern Va. Hospital and Cindy, PhD, is private practice and consultant in Psychology.
John Michael Favret and Cynthia McClurg had the following child:
85 i. Michael Galen9 Favret (#251) was born in Virginia Beach,Va. 25 Sep 1990.
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